
Study urges new law for energy transition metals in Philippines

A new study by the Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center (LRC) found the need for a new mining law that will regulate the management of strategic minerals needed for the country’s transition to renewable energy. “Congress should pass the Alternative Minerals Management Bill (AMMB), which proposes a transformation of the present minerals regime by […]

Building on what works

A new report has found that PNG can both improve energy access while also meeting its commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce carbon emissions in the energy sector. Building on What Works, a collaboration between Papua New Guinean environmental group Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights (CELCOR) and the Sydney-based Jubilee Australia […]

Dismantling patriarchy while building food sovereignty

A Friends of the Earth International position paper There are 1.6 billion women farmers in the world, producing 50% of the world’s food. Women play a key role in feeding the planet, yet they own only 2% of the land, and are the most likely to face hunger and malnutrition. For Friends of the Earth […]

Food Sovereignty in the Asia Pacific: National Stories, Regional Aspirations

This publication scopes out confluences for advocating for food sovereignty in the Asia Pacific. By surfacing the individual contexts and practices of Sri Lanka, Nepal, the Philippines, Indonesia and Palestine, the paper aims to identify effective strategies for policy and advocacy engagement with relevant regional institutions and international mechanisms. The paper hopes to contribute to […]

Breaking the Plastic Cycle in Asia

Asia is drowning in plastic, with national production and imports from the global north resulting in devastating environmental and human health impacts. Most South and East Asian Countries, including Sri Lanka, do not have proper waste management strategies, regulations nor facilities. They therefore resort to open dumping and burning which is harmful to human health, […]

People’s Climate Strategy for Victoria.

From Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia) The Victorian Climate Change Act 2017 required the Andrews government to prepare the state’s first Climate Change Strategy by 31 October 2020. It’s a key piece of work that will outline how each economic sector and region in Victoria can cut emissions over the next 10 years, and how we will […]

Situating the Belt and Road Initiative in the Philippine Energy Trajectory

Renewable energy is necessary to end carbon dependence. However, it can also be harnessed merely to power the same economic systems and development pathways. In fact, like fossil fuels, it can be implicated in the displacement and marginalization of indigenous peoples. LRC’s new paper, Situating the Belt and Road Initiative in the Philippine Energy Trajectory, examines China’s renewable […]

Now in Russian – A Briefing on the Belt and Road Initiative

Our position paper regarding the Belt Road Initiative can now be read in Russian. The paper discusses: 1. What is the Belt Road Initiative; 2. Why the Belt Road Initiative; 3. Who is funding, implementing and campaigning on the Belt Road Initiative; 4. How to address the Belt Road Initiative. // Наш позиционный документ по […]

Sowing Gender Justice to Dismantle Patriarchy

Friends of the Earth have created a new feminist popular education manual called “Sowing Gender Justice to Dismantle Patriarchy” – based on the political formation and training processes facilitated over many years within Friends of the Earth, with the support of educator-activists from the World March of Women. The “Sowing Gender Justice to Dismantle Patriarchy” […]

THE COAL AGENDA: Mayur Resources and the push to start a coal industry in PNG

Pacific Island states are some of the most vulnerable nations in the world when it comes to the impact of climate change. As yet, none of the Pacific Island States have any operational coal mines of coal-fired power stations. However, this could all soon change. Mayur Resources Ltd (MRL) is an ASX-listed company that is […]